Friday, March 23, 2012

An Incredible Meditation with the French

After a beautiful rest and nice breakfast I sat outside with the French couple on the lawn waiting for our host to get ready.  I sat down and began to meditate, but this was a special meditation, a real meditation.  The French couple sat there silently and Natis began to meditate as well.  The breeze was nice and there was a spiritual energy that was flowing through the air-perhaps bouncing off of her and transmitted to me.  Natis enjoys deep meditation and attending many different ashrams.  
I had my pen in my hand because I was writing and I dropped my pen and then touched my fingers slowly and softly. They were tingling and I just sat with a dead stare onto my hands.  I entered into an unconscious state, which is what many commonly do in meditation, but for always for me therefore this was a nice experience. 

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