Starting off the day was not so great as there were a bunch of my family members getting ready and I was the last one to get my sarri draped on. My room is downstairs and everyone was getting ready upstairs so this is my fault as I should have got my butt upstairs. Also, the maids were hogging the bathroom and I had to wait until they were finished to take a shower. All the doors were locked up at 9am and locked upstairs were my shoes I had just bought for the wedding. Therefore, I had to wear flat, black sandals to the wedding. Anyone who knows me knows that this is not acceptable for me AT ALL.
Everyone had left so I drove with my cousin's to the palace grounds. I was not a happy camper and this was visually showing on my face. Upon our arrival, I immediately wanted to go to the bathroom to fix my sarri. It was draped very quickly and it did not look right. My nice friend, Angalina, fixed my saari for me and my little niece gave me a flower to put in my hair. I decided to stop pouting like a ten year old and enjoy my cousin's wedding. Afterall, this was his day not mine.
There were two different ceremonies because the bride is from a tribe in South Coorg. Both had various rituals involving fire, coconut, flowers, and the immediate family by their side the whole time. Every indian custom and tradition has either a scientific, logical, historical, or spiritual significance
Here are a few explanations for rituals from my book "Why do we...", which describes the rituals in Indian culture from the homes to family functions to weddings and funerals.
Why do we offer the coconut?
It is offered in a sacrificial fire while performing homa. The coconut is broken and placed before the lord. It is offered to please the lord's desires.
Why do we apply the holy ash?
Bhasma(ash from the holy sacrificial fire where special wood along with ghee and other herbs is offered as worship of the lord. Or the deity is worshipped by pouring ash(ahhisheka) and then distributing bhasma. Bhasma means that "sins are destroyed and the Lord is remembered-destruction of evil and worship of the divine.
Why do we say shaanti twice?
Peace is a natural state of being. The idea is to acheive peace without reaching aggravations and loss of focus.
Enjoyed myself at both the ceremony and the reception. Food was excellent, met many new relatives, and enjoyed spending time with my cousin's friends. I was mingling around talking to everyone as usual, but did not find any candidates for my own wedding. My family mentioned that once I find a man I should have an Indian wedding. After taking part in all the rituals, ceremonies, and the reception- I definitely want an Indian wedding. Wedding is not currently in my vocabulary, but if I do get married I want it to be a 7 day Indian affair ha!

family photo=)
Everyone had left so I drove with my cousin's to the palace grounds. I was not a happy camper and this was visually showing on my face. Upon our arrival, I immediately wanted to go to the bathroom to fix my sarri. It was draped very quickly and it did not look right. My nice friend, Angalina, fixed my saari for me and my little niece gave me a flower to put in my hair. I decided to stop pouting like a ten year old and enjoy my cousin's wedding. Afterall, this was his day not mine.
There were two different ceremonies because the bride is from a tribe in South Coorg. Both had various rituals involving fire, coconut, flowers, and the immediate family by their side the whole time. Every indian custom and tradition has either a scientific, logical, historical, or spiritual significance
Here are a few explanations for rituals from my book "Why do we...", which describes the rituals in Indian culture from the homes to family functions to weddings and funerals.
Why do we offer the coconut?
It is offered in a sacrificial fire while performing homa. The coconut is broken and placed before the lord. It is offered to please the lord's desires.
Why do we apply the holy ash?
Bhasma(ash from the holy sacrificial fire where special wood along with ghee and other herbs is offered as worship of the lord. Or the deity is worshipped by pouring ash(ahhisheka) and then distributing bhasma. Bhasma means that "sins are destroyed and the Lord is remembered-destruction of evil and worship of the divine.
Why do we say shaanti twice?
Peace is a natural state of being. The idea is to acheive peace without reaching aggravations and loss of focus.
Enjoyed myself at both the ceremony and the reception. Food was excellent, met many new relatives, and enjoyed spending time with my cousin's friends. I was mingling around talking to everyone as usual, but did not find any candidates for my own wedding. My family mentioned that once I find a man I should have an Indian wedding. After taking part in all the rituals, ceremonies, and the reception- I definitely want an Indian wedding. Wedding is not currently in my vocabulary, but if I do get married I want it to be a 7 day Indian affair ha!
The Reception
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