Thursday, February 2, 2012

Keeping the Faith

“When God is on your side, there is no need to worry-just hold on tight to your faith and don’t let go” PRIS

 This may sound cliché, but God and I are a team working together in life.   I have surrendered to him in my life is in his hands and I feel his presence within me and through nature, art, and people.  At times, I feel anxious and  I worry, but God always sends me confirmations and mini reminders that things are going to work out.  When traveling, things really do fall right into place.  For instance, I was suppose to go to Chiang Mai earlier in my trip, but I ended up leaving a package behind and waiting for it.  I happen to now be going for the Water festival, which I did not even know was happening.  Another example, I was suppose to volunteer for an evacuation center, but they ended up saying they did not need me. It was very weird because they said they needed volunteers badly for overnight shifts. That door closed and the Thai Red Cross Door opened up wide and I felt part of a community , felt loved, and felt appreciated.  It was beautiful and my higher power contributed to my beautiful interactions with others and my passion for helping and being of service to others. 

For those of us who are spiritual human beings, it may be difficult to just completely surrender and keep faith all the time.  I know that I experience anxiety and worry at times, but then God comforts me with his love and reminds me that it will be okay.  It is amazing to see people that are such calm and peaceful human beings and always remain that way no matter what the situation.  I work toward having a peaceful soul and we all can if we identify our triggers to behaviors and positive ways to cope with anxiety, stress, anger, or disappointment/rejection.  Having our coping skills in place at a time of need is crucial and also having health support systems.  Sometimes we want to be tough, independent, but we need the support of our higher power and/ or friends, family, church, our community resources, etc.  Working with many clients who do not have healthy family relationships, they may turn to their spirituality or be encouraged to utilize their community resources.  If we are not consistent with our support and resources then we may turn to addictive behaviors whether it is food, drugs, sex, alcohol, or gambling. To avoid these behaviors and to move life in a positive direction, always remember to keep the faith...

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