Outside the Andheri bus station, I was walking around the market and find myself being followed by a young kid-well not really a young kid, but a 24 year old. First I see him at the fruit stand, then the sunglass stand, and then he follows me into the McDonalds. In the Mcdonalds, I was sitting there looking clueless because I was trying to contact my host to meet up with him, but he was not answering. He approaches me with a Mc Veggie Sandwich for me and asks if he can sit and talk with me. I am in a limbo state so I accept his request. I ask him why he was following and he said, “You just look so interesting.” He tells me he is a struggling Bollywood actor who wants to become a Bollywood action star with his American heroes being Sylvester Stalone and Vin Diesel. We share interesting conversation about differences between American and Indian culture.
Things to Think About:
American Culture Pros
If America is the better country how come the more we have, the more we have to worry about. India is a “third world country”, but we have a lot we can learn from them especially when it comes to religion and spirituality as a base. People are consumed with internet and television as their religion. There is a life without Iphones, checking emails, computers, and kindles. Etc.
If America is better then why are we wasting resources rather than utilizing them.
If America is better, why does the best city in the world create some of the worst homeless, mentally ill population??
Although I did not appreciate my Bollywood boy following me, I did appreciate our intellectually stimulating conversation. It was interesting how he just kept looking at me with such interest and fascination my cultural exchange on the US. He looked with admiration and a bit of disbelief, but even with all this negativity discussed he wants to go to the US. Oh India!
Good luck Dev with your acting career and I hope you get your Bollywood action star role one day!
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